mardi 3 septembre 2013

Backblogged: Our Five Favorite Sentences of the Week

“The President was right in his assertion Wednesday afternoon that Martin Luther King, Jr., had not died in vain, but neither did he die to be merely commemorated.” From “Requiem for a Dream,” by Jelani Cobb.
“No civilization we think worth studying, or whose relics we think worth visiting, existed without what amounts to an English department—texts that mattered, people who argued about them as if they mattered, and a sense of shame among the wealthy if they couldn’t talk about them, at least a little, too.” From “Why Teach English?” by Adam Gopnik.
“The sound of Ronstadt’s voice—invincibility, bravery, emotion channelled into intelligence and art—is the sound of overcoming anything.” From “Different Drum: The Power of Linda Ronstadt’s Voice,” by Sarah Larson.
“Poets place their voices inside our heads, so close to our thoughts that it feels as though we’ve thought them up.” From “Postscript: Seamus Heaney (1939-2013),” by Dan Chiasson.
HIPSTER. One who has an irrational hatred of hipsters. ” From “In Place of Thought,” by Teju Cole.
Photograph by Rex Features/AP.

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